Gus Brooks - ST6 Royal Devon & Exeter
An avid United fan with (tenuous) links to Manchester. Currently on a big money loan to Newcastle for research.
Buki - ST7 Derriford Hospital taking part in the Early Bird research team.
Ali Chakera - aka Shakira, on account of his twinkle toes. SpR Royal Devon & Exeter. Currenly doing research with Prof Hattersley.
Chenchi Reddy - ST6 Royal Cornwall Hospital
Has moved to the region from Northern Ireland, where he was doing research.
Ioannis Dimitropoulos - ST5 Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.The keen, mean, Greek machine. First to work and last to leave - stop putting us all to shame!
Tom Fox - ST7 Derriford Hospital. Our Type A/ Red colleague.
Angus Jones - ST7 Royal Devon & Exeter
Currently undertaking research into C-peptide in Exeter.
Carly Lawrence - ST4 Torbay Hospital Back from a year working in Australia.
Aftab Aziz - ST3 at Torbay